Tuesday, October 26, 2010

BFFs' Orders!

Sayang korang.. ehehe.. geli dop?
weweyh, thanks so much coz bersabar, lama gila dok nak order, at last dapat gak pa... haha.

Anywayz, these were ordered by my BFFs Ekin & Masrifah,eh,eh Masfirah (-_-")
Sapa suh kata kaler apa2 je, kan da kena dua2 kaler sama. hehehe. Ok, i'll start with ekin's first.

Memula dia dok berharap tinggi, nak tema themepark. bole tak.. (haha, since aku yang buat,and bukan Nina, mmg jgn harap la nk dpat tema tu. hahaha.) So, instead of themepark theme, i did garden theme for her.. hehe, kantoi malas ja kan.. kui3..

Sorry, kamera cikai...
Bcoz dia beli bilangan yang agak limited, ekin decided to makan satu biji sehari. haha~~

Tapi rasanya xsampai 8 hari coz ada 1-day tu dia makan 3 biji. haha, mission failed..


Okay, Mas's plak. Best dpt order dr dia nih, x byak bunyi. Bila tanya nk corak/kaler apa, dia just ckap "amuse me" or something like that la. xingat. Tp at the end, jd takot plak, takot x dpt nak puaskan hati dia. hahaha.
Em, hang punya xdak tema la..men bantai ja campoq corak..hehe..

OK, xtau dia makan bpa biji 1 hari.. ahaha..
Suka tak kaler ni mas?

Corak ok tak?

Taste pulak cmna?
Okeyh geng, what true frens are for rite, instead of telling the truth... Komen la apa yg patot okeh so that we can make better cupcakes in the future.
Thanks a bunch!
Wanie kesayangan hgpa.. =P

Updates bebeh!

Padahal da lama gila order nih.. smpi xingt date da..hehehe

Ordered by cousin's wife's sis. haha, xtau panggil apa..

nak nanges, ktorg bagi half price coz relative, dorg insist nak byar full (-_-') eh, apa, tu bepeloh.. ok xtau nangis terharu nk buat icon cmna.... (-_-,) ni lesung pipit la~~~ haha! well, i tried...

(T_T) ok,da tanya member.. hehe

Thanks a lot!!
~Nina & Wanie~

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

E! News Asia

E! News Asia Top Story => Miss Nina (Baby!I never seen some1 wit ure body) is engaged!

Ok,not! Lek2, Noh Hujan xtunang lg la, jgan la bunuh diri. it's our chef la yg da tunang,woot2!
Here's the thing, We did cupcakes for some of the door gifts (xbuat semua coz, ada door gifts yg aunty sponsor). So the cupcakes are for sesapa yg xdpt door gifts makcik la. So, we did 50 only.
Alright ive uploaded some of the pics taken that day. Y'all just enjoy the pics k. mereben pnjg2 pon xguna kan. =)

The Back Drop.
(Nak kata mini pelamin cm xlyak je..hihi)

The Room.
(Looks calming ain't it?)

The Hantaran.
(Green/Silver vs White/Red)

The Couple.
(Padan x? Bole la kan..)

and last but not least...

The Cupcakes!!
(I personally love the look. Our ideas combined)
Cupcakes in Box with Ribbon.

And this is what happen when u eat to much cupcakes!!

Haha. Crazy couszies
Yeah, well that's all for now. bye2,muah!

Wanie & Nina

(mana leh xupload..hihi)

Will You Marry Me????

Senangkan omputih punya tunang?? Anytime, Anywhere...

Ok2,cakap pasal order tros..

This order we got from Miss Anis Azzira yang nak her cupcakes on the 15th Sept. It's for her E! news asia marion btol ke msok Islam neh?? ok,ok it's for her E!ngagement on the Malaysia day. And guess wat, Nina's E! is on the 18th. So we were like so damn busy yet Nina still accept her order. Y lah? bcoz.. Time Nina nak cakap kat dia yang we xleh accept, Miss Anis ni ckap dia mmg x browse cupcakes org lain dah coz she likes ours very much,lawa..(dia ckap eh). Muahahaha. Apa lagi teros kembang hidong,pungkoq semua and accept la.haha

(Sori ksha,kami tau ksha dok bengang cna leh accept time2 busy tuh..hee)

Anyway,enough talking..(eh, enough typing? reading? which 1 ah?) kita tgok pic tros aja lah.
Oh, btw, dia mintak theme pink roses design. Ini yang kami came out with..

Hahahaha! Sori la hgpa mesti pening tgok kan. I dont know what's wrong with these pics.. Bila upload je dok rotate kot len..haish..almost nak baling pc td dok geram.. Any bloggers out there penah jd cmni x? helpp!!!!
Anyway, tq anis coz suka cupcakes kami! Congrats on ure E!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy 26th Birthday Anis!

Aww... How Sweet.."Happy 26th Birthday Sayang.."

eh eh Assalamualaikum..ngee

Ok let's start talking about order ini.



2. Pengorderan ini telah dimohon oleh bekas pelajar Sekolah Menengah kami berdua, Apit Bulan (tuan jangan tanya pasepa nama panggilan dia mcm ni..kami xtau..) kepada kekasih beliau iaitu Anis, juga kawan kepada kami berdua pada zaman-zaman memakai seluar besar dan labuh hingga koyak ujung kaki bersama body shirt sambil menggalas beg secara labuh hingga menutup bahagian pung***.

3. Permohonan ini dibuat selaras dengan harijadi si Anis ini. Sehubungan dengan itu, kami berdua ingin mengambil kesempatan di sini untuk mengucapkan "Happy Birthday Darl!"

4. Bersama-sama ini disertakan gambar pembinaan "cupcakes" yang berkenaan.

Kerjasama pihak tuan/puan untuk meluangkan masa dan membaca blog ini adalah amat dihargai dan diucapkan terima kasih.


"Berkhidmat Untuk Side Income"

Pengupdate Blog,
Ninalicious Cuppies

p.s: ni lah jadinya bila pekerjaan anda sebagai "engineer surat"

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hola Friends!

=Assalamualaikum wbt..(hehe,ramadhan kan..)=

Weee..it's been a while kan? Fuh,fuh, Berhabuk da (ayat standard) =P
Well it's been a slow bussiness lately since the chef a.k.a Nina started working as a lecturer. Yes,people, especially budak2 Dato' Onn, Nina a.k.a Irina Mohd Akhir is a lecturer now. Dulu kheja tuang sekolah ja. haha. Ok sambung, quite a few times asek kena reject order ja since she was busy with her work. (Real busy/menggelabah sebenaqnya kita xtau la kan..hihi.. )Especially the ones that came from Penang Island. Unfortunately, this order below that came from Nur Fadhilah Othman, was at the right time that Nina managed to spare some of her precious time utk buat these cupcakes below;

(errr,sorry bout the friendship spelling ya, xmuat nak letak d. ya,ya,i know, should have letak "frenship" instead)

Erk, sorry ya, ada 1 gmbaq ja. The chef mms 1 sahaja. As u all know la kan, we both long distance partners. Or is it u dont know? ok,take note then. Jangan pelik pasepa kena mms.
Anyhoo, Cik Nur Fadhilah Othman requested for friendship theme cupcakes with the colour pink n a pinch of red. How sweet kan for them to appreciate their friendship and celebrate without ada birthday event or anything, Means kalau ada birthday kawan dia ka, mesti mintak wish "hepi birthday" kat situ kan? Or like a fren leaving to oversea utk study, should ada "good luck" or something kan? hehe. pandai2 ja..just assuming ja. but if it's true, good for u guys!

"The better part of one's life consists of his friendship"
-Abraham Lincoln
p/s: So what r u waiting 4? pi la koling2 kwan2 ajak bukak posa sama2. =P
b.p Nina

Monday, July 5, 2010

***Love is in the Air***

Hey peeps!

Oritey, this order came from farah+shanaz which they ordered thru this blogshop. They wanted to celebrate their anniversary together. err..that doesnt sound right.. cna nak ckap eh.. kiranya their anny falls on the same date. kot la. or date dekat2 maybe. that's y there's two couples' name on the cupcakes. haha,pape jelah,enjoy the pics jela. hukhuk.

the theme was heart with lots of wordings. So this is what we came up =P

Ribbon kerdut2 sket. haha, sowry,xsmpt nak iron. =P
So, what dyou think of the design? burok ke x? Anywayz, thanx so much fanaz! eh eh farahnaz!

OrDeR FoRm

Order Form

Contact Number
Email Address:
Self Pick-up @ Delivery(with charge) Self Pick-up (xpayah bayar)
Delivery- Butterworth Area (RM5)
Delivery- Outside Butterwoth area (RM10)
Delivery Address :
Pick Up/Delivery Date
Pick-up/Delivery Time
Cup Size Baby Cuppy (S)
Teen Cuppy (M)
Mama Cuppy (L)
Quantity 4
Cupcake Flavour (Extra charge for * items) Vanilla
Choc Chips*
Choc Orange*
Topping (Extra charge for * items) Buttercream Icing
Chocolate Topping*
Additional Info (Colours etc)

Get your own free form like this one.